Host of All Together Now Thursdays at 3 pm (EST) Eleanor LeCain has solution-oriented interviews with some of the best progressive thought-leaders and activists about the most important issues of our time. Topics include getting big money out of politics, achieving gender equality, transformational leadership, pro-democracy movements, current political analysis, climate change and much more.
Thursday Jan 03, 2013
All Together Now - The Millionth Circle - 01/03/13
Thursday Jan 03, 2013
Thursday Jan 03, 2013
A talk with the Jungian analyst Jean Shinoda Bolen about her books on activist women's circles, including Urgent Message from Mother: Gather the Women, Save the World (jean.bolen.com); also her efforts through the United Nations to get a UN 5th World Conference on Women in or before 2020 (5wcw.org); the successful carbon tax in Ireland; the "Pray-In for the Climate" in front of the White House on Rev. MLK, Jr's 84th birthday; poem by Elizabeth Spires.